CS:GO2 Boosting

What is CS2 Boosting?

Right off the bat, let’s decode CS2 boosting. It’s a service often offered by professional players or gaming companies to help gamers improve their CS2 rankings. These professionals play on your behalf, taking your gaming account to new heights. Sounds cool, right?

Why is CS2 Boosting Important?

You might wonder, “Why do I need CS2 boosting?” Imagine spending hours, days, even weeks trying to improve your rank but ending up […]

All About The Benefits Of A Coach And How It Is Sometimes Essential For A Team


People are used to seeing coaching in regular sports but still don’t fully understand why it’s necessary for eSports. Coaches have the power to decide whether a team wins or loses a game. Other players with less knowledge of the game have even accused them of riding on the shoulders of their team’s players to achieve success while putting in far less effort. Coaches take […]

cs 2 pro coaching and why mastering counter strike is tough


Mastering counter strike

The learning curve for Counter-Strike is steep. Even for experienced FPS gamers, it often takes months or even years to become proficient at the game. This is because the skill cap is incredibly high – there is always something new to learn, and even the smallest mistakes can cost you a round. Many people today are even going for cs 2 pro coaching […]